SBT forex trading paid course free

SBT Trading:-

SBT mean's structure base trading. In this sbt forex trading course you will learn how to start trading, what is trading, how many types of trading in market, which is the best broker for forex trading, how many strategies are there in forex trading, which strategy are workable in the forex market, what is pip in Forex trading, what is CRT in forex trading, what is support and resistance in trading, what is range, FVG, All these topics are fully explained in this course of SBT forex trading.

About classes:-

1:-introduction and strategy explain
2:-momentum, breakout, strategy explain
3:-level clean down level up strategy 
4:-flip and breakout strategy 
5:-range fvg strategy explain 
6:-confirmation session strategy explain 
7:-support flip entry explain 
8:-daily flip strategy 
9:-liquidity momentum news strategy 


What is fore trading, if you don’t know that what is forex trading so i will explain in full detail. That what is this and how it works. Forex trading is trading of currency for example if you want to trade Eur/usd os first of all you need to learn the strategies that how it works in forex trading, what is support and resistance. For example if market is in range and it touches high and low two times or there than you will see the support and resistance. From resistance market rejects and go down word and from support its also reject and than go up words, and after Breaking this support and resistance level market change their structure and move on that side where market give breakout. Os simply this is called support and resistance. Than you will need best broker for forex trading, So i will recommend,HFM market, xm broker, and exness. But i will recommend one of my favourite broker which is HFM market 
Why it is best because of no slippage in news time, easily deposit and easy withdrawal, when you create have any issue in broker or withdrawal or deposit than you can contact us with their manager very easily, this broker is more better than others broker.And than when you create account in hfm market and verify it with identity, when you will need to deposit through bank, binance. When your deposit is complete then go to pairs and select Eur/Usd and trade easily on it. Don’t try it before learning when you learn then you can try it.

Types of trading:-

1:- stocks 
2:- forex trading 
3:- cryptocurrencies 
4:- binary trading
5:- commodities and etc

Which one is best:-

Basically i like forex trading and spot trading. For example you have 5k$ and you want to invest it in long term os for the long term only stocks and  crypto currency spot trading is best for long term investment. And you want profit in few minutes of hours or days os forex trading is the best option for you. And if you want to start trading in future or option trading os your money will at risk your account will also wash and liquidate few days. Before start trading you must need to learn it plz don’t trade without any knowledge.

What is FVG:-

FVG means fair value gap, this is best and workable strategy to learn it, how it looks like, or what is this os you will seen in this image.

For up trend:-

For down trend :-

First candle and third candle  if there is any space between them os this is fvg.

Easy and best strategy:-

Easy and best strategies for forex trading is to learn, liquidity,FVG,Support and resistance, SMC, ICT, CRT, you need to learn all these things than you will be a successful trader. And it will take more than 1 year to understand the style of market. You know that why 70% people are not profitable in forex trading because they don’t learn it, How its work, and more important thing in forex trading is patience. If you have patience then you will be a successful trader. But you need to work hard for fore trading 

How to download:-

Click on this image for drive link

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About website :-

ThIs website is created on aug 2024 for those people who can’t afford fee for this kind of courses but without any issue  we will provide all these paid courses for free without paying any free. we are trying to upload more courses as soon as possible but we are busy in some other activities os that’s why we upload 1, 2 courses a day. We will upload more than 100 courses on this website if you have any issues in the link or videos os we will also help you by contacting us which is showing in the footer of the blog. Send us email or directly contact us on WhatsApp then we will help you. We will uplaod all the paid courses as soon as possible. Which type of course you need if not available on the website. Then comment us we will upload it as soon as possible.We have also a youtube channel, tiktok account , and facebook page follow us on that. When  we  upload a new course then to reach you first to  take some benefits from that course.

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